We just have to say something that may be tough for some people to understand. Stop it, clients! Yeah, we said it. Stop it. Stop trying to have sex with us every time we have a meeting. Stop gazing across the conference table and undressing us with those sexy, intelligent eyes. Do you even know how hard it is to consistently do earth-shattering plans and strategies and creative , only to look up at you and see you ready to pounce like a rabid tiger in heat ? It is unnerving. Look, we know, we get it. We're hot. We are the most attractive agency you've ever worked with. We are smart and witty and sometimes speak with sexy accents even though none of us are from a foreign country, but please. We ask you now nicely. Stop it. Fantasize if you must. We'll send you some 8 x 10 glossies of the agency presenting some creative boards if you want. But stop it in person. If you want our best, we're gonna need your best Aretha Franklin. RESPECT. Ok. Thanks.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Stop it!
Posted by
1:40 PM
Labels: 8x10 glossy, agency, attractive, avril levigne, brittney spears, earth-shattering creative, fabio, hot nude Wexley, ian cohen is one sexy mf, respect, sex, sexley, Wexley, Wexley School for Girls

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