Remember that Asian kid who picked up the viola at age two and immediately busted out some Chopin? Well that’s an analogy of us to blogging. We’re like blogging prodigies. After only 15 days we are legendary Internet writing geniuses. So we’re not even going to try anymore. Because just imagine what would happen if we actually tried, if we actually put some thought or time or effort in? It would just be unfair to the rest of the mere mortal bloggers out there. And we really don’t want to make anyone feel bad, that’s not what we’re about, pointing out unusually large watermelon shaped heads and laughing far too long for far too loudly. That’s rude. And if there’s one thing you can say about our blog besides the fact that it is far superior to any other piece of written or oral communication ever uttered is that we are cordial. So from now on we’re going to blog at about 7%-9%, so as not to embarrass anyone. For example right now at this very moment we’re not even paying one bit of attention to what we’re saying. We’re far too busy developing our new line of baby flavored fetus pops and testing the stretch of our new spandex business cards to even bother entertaining you. Really, it’s so freaking easy we’re not even thinking its so easiest we can type it but listen youre reading it so whatever. Check it, that last sentence wasn’t remotely grammatically correct and made no sense. But guess what, we don’t even care because you’re still reading right? It’s like a hot dog, even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. And in our case, it’s the best hog dog you’ve ever tasted, because it is ground from the meat of the world and wrapped in the intestines of the future. So slap on some relish and eat it. Just eat it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
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radical blog Wex peeps!
Softly, I will leave you softly, long before you miss me...
Please, for the children's sake, do something about the bunny.
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